Geetika Jain
4 min readNov 7, 2021

Hey! Welcome guys, it’s geetika thanking you to visit my second article. Hope u would like to read it. If you have any queries about it you can comment below and if you like it just clap it.

I would like to thank Mr. Hemant Vyas. He motivates us to write a blog. U can read my 1 blog. Click on the link below for my 1st assignment.

You can also follow Mr. Hemant Vyas

Let us talk about NICHE and CUSTOMER AVATAR :


Have you ever heard about a niche?

The business of promoting and selling a product or service to a specialized segment of a market. This is the definition from the dictionary. In a simple term niche is a specification of a particular thing. Niche marketing is an advertising strategy that focuses on a unique target market. A niche market does not mean a small market, but it involves a specific target audience with a specialized offering.

Always keep in mind before entering into the marketing field to select a niche.


Niche is chosen by the three elements: knowledge, passion, profitability.

Remember one thing if you are passionate about something you must have knowledge about it and it should be profitable too.


What do you understand about customer persona?

Customer persona can be called customer avatar it is a detailed description of someone who represents your target audience.

It is not an actual person, it’s all about a fictional character who has been assumed as a target customer for their product or services.

Why do you need customers?

The customer is the only person whom we need for the survival of our business.

Now the question arises how to get the customer?

So what to do to make a customer avatar it is only can be done through the creation of individual characters of the customer.

Another method of customer presence is the door-to-door survey, google form, online and offline campings, and many more ways to do it.

So, let me explain how I have selected my niche and make my customer Avatar.

My niche plan is based on my interest in affiliated marketing. Because I used to do affiliate marketing in the past. So it is very clear for me to choose my niche.

You can also think that what you admire the most, have knowledge about it, and it should also be profitable too.

After deciding my niche, I decided to do my outline of affiliation marketing. But before that, we should make a customer persona to decide my potential customer.

So the question arises of how to make a customer avatar.

I had made my customer avatar by google form:

What I have mentioned in it

First, give an attractive title description above the survey form:

For example:-


Good gift-giving is an art. The perfect present can make your relationship close. Somebody loves giving gifts and someone loves to receive gifts. If I say, you can have the best gift present with us. You just need to fill a survey form to know the criteria of gifts you want. Hope you will join us in a survey.

After that make some questions that define your niche. The question can contain demographic information of a person, it includes name, age, locations, and many more.

Demographics means it cover whole societies or groups defined by criteria such as education, nationality, religion, and ethnicity.

You can also see my survey form

Any queries regarding customer avatars please comment on them.

List out your challenges and pain points

After completion of the outline of your niche and customer avatar. Make some challenging points that make you do more for your niche.

Pain points are the fear of losing something.

Always consider your customer's challenge and pain point. So that you got to know that how your customers can find you and how they can approach you.

They both are the more important points to grab in your creations.

Hope you like my article.

